You have the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. 你擁有我見過最美麗的笑容。
Your presence lights up the room. 你的存在讓整個房間都亮了起來。
You’re the most incredible person I know. 你是我所知道最棒的人。
Every little thing you do is perfect in my eyes. 你做的每一件小事,在我眼中都是完美的。
You have a way of making everything better. 你總是能讓一切變得更美好。
You are the reason why my world is so beautiful. 你是讓我的世界如此美麗的原因。
Your smile is my favorite kind of magic. 你的笑容是我最愛的魔法。
You light up my world like nobody else. 你讓我的世界閃閃發光,無人能比。
Everything about you makes my heart race. 你的每一個小細節都讓我心跳加速。
You are the most beautiful person, inside and out. 你是我見過最美麗的人,內外兼具。
You have a charm that is simply irresistible. 你擁有一種無法抗拒的魅力。
Your laugh is the most beautiful sound. 你的笑聲是我聽過最美的聲音。
You have the kind of beauty that makes everything else fade away. 你擁有那種能讓周圍一切都黯然失色的美。
You make even the ordinary moments feel extraordinary. 就算是普通的時刻,和你在一起也變得非凡。
Your confidence is one of the most attractive things about you. 你的自信是你最迷人的特質之一。
There’s a sparkle in your eyes that I can’t resist. 你眼中的光芒,讓我無法抗拒。
You have the most incredible sense of humor that makes everything better. 你擁有最棒的幽默感,讓一切都變得更好。
Your kindness is one of the most beautiful things about you. 你的善良是你最美麗的特質之一。
You are my definition of perfect. 你是我心中完美的代名詞。
Your charm is beyond words, it’s simply magnetic. 你的魅力無法用語言形容,它就是那麼具有吸引力。
I accept the whole package; the crazy and the brilliant. I know you’re not gonna change and I don’t want you to. It’s called accepting you for being you. ─《愛在午夜希臘時》 我接受你的一切,瘋狂也好、聰明也罷。我知道你不會改變,我也不希望你改變,這就是所謂接受忠於自我的你。
I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.─《手札情緣》 我想要全部的你,一輩子、每一天就只有你跟我。
There’s only one person that makes me feel like I can fly. That’s you. ─《全民情聖》 只有一個人能讓我覺得我可以飛,那就是你。
I love you very much, probably more than anybody could love another person. ─《我的失憶女友》 我非常愛你,也許超過世上任何一個人愛另外一個人可能達到的境界。
I love your eyes. I love the rest of your face, too. I haven’t even looked further down and I’m sure it’s all fantastic. ─《真愛每一天》 我愛你的雙眼,也愛你的臉蛋。我還沒往下看就能確信一切都很完美。
Maybe it is our imperfections which make us so perfect for one another. ─《艾瑪姑娘要出嫁》 正因為我們都不完美,我們才會彼此需要。
You have bewitched me, body and soul, and… I love you. ─《傲慢與偏見》 你對我下了魔咒,讓我的心靈與身體都為你著迷。我愛你,從今以後永不分離。
Fall in love whenever you can.─《超異能快感》 盡你所能去愛。
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves—say rather, loved in spite of ourselves. ─《電子情書》 人生最大的幸福,是發現你愛的人正好也愛你; 而且你們沒有錯過。
I love you. I knew it the minute I met you. I’m sorry it took so long for me to catch up. ─《派特的幸福劇本》 我愛妳。我第一眼就愛上妳了。很抱歉我如此地後知後覺。
I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough. ─《手札情緣》 我全心全意的愛著另一個人對我而言那就已經很足夠了。
Affection is when you see someone’s strength. Love is when you accept someone’s flaws. ─《真愛挑日子》 喜歡,是看到一個人的優點;愛,是接受一個人的缺點。
I want us to be together for as long as we’ve got and if that’s not very long, well then, that’s just how it is. ─《愛的萬物論》 我要跟你在一起直到最後一天。就算那一天很快到來,我也認了。
The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. ─《鴻孕當頭》 最美好的事情莫過於遇到一個愛上真實的你的人。
Learning from each other and growing in love. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more. ─《手札情緣》 彼此學習並在愛中成長,最美好的愛情能喚醒人的靈魂讓我們去尋求更多。
Cause you’re my honey. Someone messes with you, they mess with me. ─《第六感生死戀》 因為你是我的寶貝,你的事就是我的事,就這麼簡單。
I wish I knew how to quit you. ─《斷背山》 但願我知道該如何戒掉你。
Some people are worth melting for. ─《冰雪奇緣》 有的人值得我為他融化。
I don’t wanna love in half measures. I want it all. And to have it all, we have to risk it all. ─《愛的過去進行式:P.S. 我仍愛你》 不想要半吊子的愛。我想全部擁有。而要擁有一切,我們就必須放手一博。
I hope it’s okay if I love you forever, Jack. ─《一個巨星的誕生》 傑克,希望你不會介意我永遠愛你。
早晨醒來時: 「Good morning, my love. I hope today brings you as much joy as you bring to me!」 (早安,我的愛。希望今天的快樂能和你帶給我的幸福一樣多!)
訊息聊天時: 「Just wanted to remind you that you are amazing and I’m so lucky to have you!」 (只是想提醒你,你真的很棒,我好幸運擁有你!)
結束一天時: 「I can’t wait to fall asleep next to you again. You make every night feel like a dream.」 (我迫不及待想再次和你一起入睡。你讓每一個夜晚都像夢境一樣。)
寫卡片或情書時: 「Loving you is the easiest and most beautiful thing I’ve ever done.」 (愛上你,是我做過最容易、最美好的事情。)